image ucbl

The University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) has been named after a physiologist called Claude Bernard and was officially created in 1971 by the reunification of the Faculty of Sciences, founded in 1808 and the Faculty of medicine, founded in 1874. The UCBL counts 46 000 students and almost 2 800 teachers-researchers distributed on 3 campuses and 11 sites. With 65 laboratories and more than 5 500 publications a year, Lyon 1 enables science to progress in the fields of science, technology, health and sport. Lyon 1 is the first French University in filling patents; indeed it is present in the top 100 of the most innovative universities in the world.



TEAM LEADER :Photo J Honnorat

Pr Jérôme Honnorat (BETPSY Coordinator) is professor of neurology at the Lyon’s university since 2002 and coordinator of the FHU-INTEREST dedicated to neuroimmune diseases. He is head of the neuro-oncology department of Lyon’s hospital and director of the French rare disease reference center “paraneoplastic neurological syndrome and autoimmune encephalitis” since 2007. At the scientific point of view, he is head of an INSERM research team since 2007 renewed in 2016 and called “synaptopathies and autoantibodies” at the MeLiS institut (Inserm 1314/UMR CNRS 5284). He works on PNS and AE for more than 25 years.


CO-LEADER WP4:Virginie Desestret

Pr Virginie Desestret is neurologist, neuropathologist and professor of histology at the Lyon’s university and co-leader of the WP4 of the BETPSY project. She is co-head of the neurocognition and neuro-ophthalmology department of Lyon’s hospital. At the scientific point of view, she is principal investigator in the “synaptopathies and auto-antibodies” team at the MeLiS Institut. She works on the mechanisms of tolerance breakdown, characteristics of the pathogenic immune response in PNS. ​



Lucie Aliouane, BETPSY project manager
Anne-Cécile de Giacomoni, Lyon Ingénierie Projets
Géraldine Picard, Coordinator of the Reference center
Mathild MillotClinical Research Associate
Marine VillardClinical Research Associate
Valentin Wucher, Postdoc
St Etienne Hospital:
Jean-Christophe Antoine, Head of the neurology department of St Etienne’s hospital
Nadia Boutahar, MCUPH
Jean-Philippe Camdessanche, PUPH
Christian Moritz, Postdoc
VEGF impact on synapses in health and Alzheimer’s disease:
Roger Besançon, Lecturer
Pauline Bouvet, PhD student
Naura Chounlamountri, Engineer Assistant
Claire Messirel, INSERM permanent investigator (CR1)
Pricille de Gea, PhD student
Characterization of tumor immune breakdown and animal model of Paraneoplastic syndrome:
Fabrice Faure, Research Engineer
Identification of new autoAb targeting neuronal surface antigens:
Sterenn Closs, Engineer Assistant
Bastien Joubert, MD-PhD
Do Leduy, Postdoc
Anne-Laurie Pinto, Research Engineer
Véronique Rogemond, Research Engineer
Macarena Villagran, MD - PhD student
Clémentine Vincent, Postdoc
AutoAbs-associated synaptic defects:
Véronique Pellier-Monnin, Lecturer
Nelly Noraz-Buet, INSERM permanent investigator (CR1)
Olivier Pascual, INSERM permanent investigator (CR1)
Delphine Pinatel, Postdoc
Modulation of glutamatergic synapses by glial cells:
Kassandre Combet, PhD student
Inès Hirstovska, Postdoc
Olivier Pascual, INSERM permanent investigator (CR1)
Mélisse Robert, PhD student