The Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière (ICM – Brain and spine institute) is a private foundation recognized for its public interest. This center of excellence was founded in 2005 and is located since 2010, on the site of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (Paris). ICM hosts a research center with 700 researchers, engineers and technicians (22 000 m² of laboratories) who work on basic and clinical research on the brain and neurological or psychiatric diseases as well as on the spinal cord. The institute also regroups 20 000 caregivers and 4 from 10 French neuroscientists who are the most famous in the world. However, until now, the approaches in the various fields of research (molecular/cellular biology, neurophysiology, science of cognition and therapeutic) have been carried out in a compartmentalized way resulting in a diminution of the efficiency, that’s why, the research activity at the ICM is multidisciplinary which is an essential innovation. Bringing together patients, doctors and researchers in a unique place makes it possible to develop both basic and clinical research. Indeed, each year, 100 000 patients with nervous system disorders are examines, for that reason, the aim of the ICM is to shorten the time between research and therapy for the benefits of patients.



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Dr. Agusti Alentorn is a neuro-oncologist who studied in Barcelona from 1999 to 2010. He did his PhD thesis at the University Paris-sud 11, on “Genomic and genetic characterization of low-grade diffuse gliomas in adults” (2010–2014). He is a part of the Jean-Yves Delattre’s team and they have identified new clinically relevant molecular subgroups in gliomas by using different next-generation sequencing approaches combined with clinical data. He also is a member of the French reference center on AE and PNS and he develop with his team a specific study on molecular markers of PNS associated.

Photo Dimitri Psimaras


Dr. Dimitri Psimaras is a neuro-onconlogist at the Pitié Salpetrière hospital in Paris, France. His research work is dedicated in cancer treatments side effects (co-creator and coordinator of OncoNeuroTox center, a French national network ) and paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (responsable for the parisien center, part of the french national paraneoplastic network)



Marion Benazra, Engineer
Giulia Berzero, MD - PhD student
Marine Giry, Engineer
Isaias Hernandez, PhD student