

The BETSPY governance is based on 3 boards intended to ensure compliance with the objectives, deadlines and budget for the benefit of the consortium as well as the scientific coherence of the project while respecting each partner.

Governing Board

The Governing Board is composed of one representative from each partner and it is responsible for driving forward the strategic direction of the organization ensuring the performance of the project and managing risk and accountability.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee’s role is to ensure the scientific cohesion as well as the delivery and achievement of the project outcomes providing advice, support and guidance. It implements decision taken by the Governing Board and can also propose adapted actions to problems encountered. This Committee is composed of all work package leaders and the principal investigator of each team (if not represented as WP leaders).

Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The Scientific Advisory Board is represented by scientific external members who also are international experts. The SAB is able to advice the consortium on scientific, medical or social issues. It is responsible for assessing the overall scientific relevance of the project as well as putting into perspective the scientific objectives of the project and its progress.

Pr Jérôme Honnorat

Pr Jérôme Honnorat

(Coordinator and WP1,3,6 leader) 

Institut MeLiS, Lyon, France

Dr Lars Komorowski

Dr Lars Komorowski

Responsable WP2

Euroimmun, Lübeck, Allemagne

Dr Agusti Alentorn

Dr Agusti Alentorn

WP4 partner

Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Paris, France

Dr Bertrand Dubois

Dr Bertrand Dubois

WP4 leader

Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, France

Pr Roland Liblau

Pr Roland Liblau

WP5 leader

Centre de physiopathologie de Toulouse-Purpan France

Pr Delphine Maucort-Boulch

Pr Delphine Maucort-Boulch

WP6 partner 

Laboratoire de Biométrie et d'Evolution Biologique Lyon, France



Pr Pierre Coulie

Pr Pierre Coulie

Institute de Duve, University Catholic of Louvain, Belgium

Dr Agnes Lehuen

Dr Agnes Lehuen

Institut Cochin, Paris, France

Dr Frank Leypoldt

Dr Frank Leypoldt

University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Pr Josep Dalmau

Pr Josep Dalmau

University Clinic Hospitalof Barcelona, Spain

Dr Romana Höftberger

Dr Romana Höftberger

(SAB president), Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria